Explore Saint-Benoit with Tèrra Aventura !

Investigations & puzzles

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Tèrra Aventura "The Yellow Sunflower Affair" ©Agence Zébrelle - Thomas Jelinek
An activity "Tèrra Aventura" is available here

If you haven't succumbed to the "madness" Tèrra Aventura as over 3 million players in New Aquitaine, only one piece of advice: get started! For the family game fun ; to live an adventure off the beaten track and discover sites; for the diversity of routes and themes: paleo-decoration, animals, history and monuments, tales and legends... Let's set off together on the route of Saint-Benoît, close to Poitiers.

In the footsteps of Tintin in Saint-Benoît

Let us introduce you to the journey of Saint-Benoît “The Sunflower Yellow Affair” in the footsteps of Robert Sexé, resident of Saint-Benoît, great traveler and reporter, who is said to have inspired Hergé for his famous reporter Tintin.

From the start, Poï'z Zabeth, our guide, asks us to unearth the clue that allows us to reach the place of the first enigma. We take height. From the top of 20 meters from the viaduct built in the XNUMXthnd century, we embrace all of Saint-Benoît, nestled in the hollow of the Clain Valley. Back on the ground, the riddles, which require you to be observant and exercise your brain, lead us from the banks of the Clain, to Robert Sexé's house, passing through a magnificent park.

Heritage and nature in Saint-Benoît

We then deviate from the village by small alleys and a covered passage whose existence it would have been difficult to guess without this game. It leads to a superb green space, planted with vines, it feels like being in the middle of the countryside! After taking a wooded path, we find ourselves again along a small stream, the Miosson where we are asked to observe wild animals.

We are almost at the goal, one last riddle solved at the abbey cloister, – where Zabeth, teaches us that in the XInd century, it housed the relics of Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine order - and appear on the screen of our smartphone, the coordinates of the treasure!  

It's won! All that's left is to get our loot, a badge with Zabeth's image on it. We are already looking forward to other adventures Tèrra Aventura and thus enrich our collection!

Tèrra Aventura "The Yellow Sunflower Affair"©Thomas-Jelinek – Agence-Zebrelle

How to play geocaching game Tèrra Aventura ?

A little reminder on the principle of the game is essential: just download the free smartphone application Tèrra Aventura (on Play Store or Apple Store) and go looking for geocaches. To do this, you have to find clues and solve puzzles.
Depending on the chosen theme, Poï'z, humorous guides, will help you in this quest while telling the history of the place in an amusing way.

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