Discovering Moncontour with Tèrra Aventura
Featured, Investigations & riddles

The Moncontour washhouse path holds several surprises, in the heart of a picturesque village, crossed by several watercourses formed by the Dive. The two-kilometer path, decorated with pretty wash houses, is overlooked by the medieval keep, witness to the History of France. Like Valérie, Maxime and Gabin, experience this journey through time, guided by the Poï'z of the Terrà Aventura trail, "La Grande Buée".
Discovering Moncontour with Tèrra Aventura
It is in the bucolic village of Moncontour that the course Tèrra Aventura begin, "The Great Mist", take us discovering the washhouses and the rich history of the place. As a family, we follow the signs from the village square, for a 2 kilometer walk.
Justine takes the controls of what will serve as our compass and instruction “booklet”, her smartphone (after downloading the application for free), in order to unearth clues, solve puzzles and discover the geocache.
More than 50 washhouses on our route
On the screen, Zabeth sets the scene for our adventure several centuries back: we are in 1569, the Catholic forces of King Charles IX prepare to fight against the Protestant troops, led by Gaspard de Coligny.
On this eve of historic combat, the admiral went to the inn which has since borne his name. A large laundry is needed to accommodate him and his subjects. Head to the laundries.
Being observant will be necessary all along the course. Along the route, the washhouses, these small constructions covered with a tiled roof, which were used to wash the linen, are revealed at the end of the gardens of the beautiful stone residences or more modest buildings. If there are 50 today, there were more than 100 a century ago.
A particularity linked to the hydraulic network of the town set up in the XNUMXthnd century for the cultivation of hemp; each parcel was bordered either by a channel or by a ditch.
In the translucent waters of the Dive
Along this small path, the puzzles follow one another. We let ourselves be surprised by a giant fish, further on catapult balls are available for observation and we flash on a magnificent garden between two waters of a mill.
Following the edges of the water is a treat. Behind the water lilies, landing strip with dragonflies, the Dive, translucent, sometimes lets its inhabitants appear: there a trout, further on a perch. Gabin regrets not having taken his fishing rod.
Storming the Dungeon
The rest of the route takes the direction of keep which overhangs us on its hill with its crenellated cap. This treasure of the XInd century is famous for the wars and sieges that have been repeated there over the centuries. Duguesclin and Geoffroy Martel wrote important pages in the history of France there.
But before setting off to attack this building, where at its foot a clue awaits us, a stop at the Chapel of the Good Lady needed to solve the 6nd hint. We then hurry, impatient to finally discover this square tower. The children show a broad smile at the idea of climbing its 25 meters. Up there, the sublime panorama with its different perspectives on the Deux-Sèvres and the green valley of the Dive, makes us forget the effort of the climb.
A little intoxicated by this experience, we take the direction of the center of the village with the objective of the last two clues. Answers given, we reach the goal. All that remains is to check if they are all good, a prerequisite for the coordinates of the treasure to appear on the smartphone screen. It's won! Now all we have to do is get our loot!
« The Washhouse Trail » can also be discovered thanks to the information panels installed along the route which retrace the history of the washhouses, the agricultural activity, the fauna and flora of the marsh and of course the major phases of the eventful history of this ancient place. strong.