Challenge yourself in Quiz Room at Game Parc

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Expériences Famille
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Quiz Room at Game Park ©Amelie R. Photographies Pomme Verte
An activity "Expériences Famille" is available here

Do you love TV shows where quizzes are king? Do you like to test your knowledge with your family? Then Quiz Room at Game Parc is for you! What is this ? A game like on TV! Here is an overview of the experience of the Moroy family with this new way to play and challenge themselves belonging to the network of the brand “ Expériences Famille ».

Buzz for real like on TV!

Hi, I'm Caroline and today I convinced Mom and her best friend to take us for a game of Quiz Room à Game Park. One of my friends can't stop talking about it since they went there with her family for her big brother's birthday so we had to go too!
What is Quiz Room? It's a game where we are each behind a desk and where we compete by answering questions like our favorite games on TV! Come on, I'm taking you on our crazy afternoon!

As soon as we arrive, Antoine explains the rules to us: several tests during which we will be asked all types of questions: multiple choice, musical, speed, … and the best! 

Quiz Room at Game Park©Amelie R. Photographies Pomme Verte

Mom asks for the kids option because at 9 years old, she knows that you can't know everything yet! We enter the room decorated like a TV game board every 8 : mum, my brother, me, Sara (mum's best friend) and her two children.

Who will win the game?

The first round starts and we are all ready. We all look at each other, and we're already having fun! It consists of a round with questions where you have to choose the answer among four proposals. We start with “Where are the pyramids? France / United States / China / Egypt”. We hear a burst of "clack!" » when everyone makes their choice and we laugh because we are really into it! Phew! We all got it right!

Quiz Room at Game Park©Amelie R. Photographies Pomme Verte

After a few questions, I use my first joker towards Mom to steal his points because I know she will have the answer given the theme of the question! I do well since in addition she had used a joker to multiply her points by 2! To me the 6 points!

The first run is coming to an end and I'm in the lead. I scream with joy and it makes the others laugh. The voiceover explains to us that for the second round it will be necessary to answer as quickly as possible without necessarily knowing all the possible answers... so it gets tougher! Luckily we won a few jokers between the two rounds thanks to a mini game. My brother therefore passed in front at the end of this one.

We finally go on with the last round and there, the tension is at its height: it is now that the victory is decided! We also read it on our faces: no more fun! To keep some suspense, I will not reveal the content of this round, just remember that despite the competition We still had a lot of fun!

Would you like a second one?

And as you quickly get a taste for it, the one-hour reservation includes two full games for twice the fun! Assessment: we had a great time filled with laughter, “groans”, cries of opposition when we were robbed or blocked, … in short, it was great! Now you !

Quiz Room at Game Park©Amelie R. Photographies Pomme Verte

If, like Caroline and her families and friends, you love these moments of challenge all together, find other suggestions for activities and experiences with the Expériences Famille or the game of geocaching Tèrra Aventura. Also remember to consult the accommodation near Poitiers.

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