nature exploration From 4 years Nature

La Promenade contée de Vatulélé

A journey into green space

Lunar, this dramatized visit to Lésigny and its nature certainly is.

Every summer, the Glob Trott company rocket lands on Earth to help you discover the beauty of the landscapes in their own way: poetic, surprising and a bit crazy.

A bit like your guide of the day, Vatulélé! Listen up... This colorful character, straight out of a Lewis Carroll tale, has no shortage of anecdotes and original stories to share with your family. From rural and local traditions to animist customs from distant lands, the visit promises to be rich in emotion. Do you know the origin of dream catchers? To find out, you will have to try this 100% family ride.

Practical information

Mandatory reservation

Further information

Location: In the countryside, In the village
Facilities: Parking
Payment Methods: Cash
La Promenade contée de Vatulélé
Compagnie Glob-Trott
11 rue du moulin
La Minoterie