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Approach! Listen to our advices for the the best experiences in Vienneto live unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Whether it's a nature, origianl, fun, gourmet or festive activity, find happiness for your next vacation. Use the search filters to find a real gem.

©Pomme Verte - Libellab
Christmas in Poitiers 2023 ©ACAP – Thomas LECLERC
Accessible to disabled persons Accessible by stroller

The magic of Christmas is making a comeback with fanfare throughout the Vienne ! The magical atmosphere invades all the cities and…

Let's go !
Along the sound in Civray ©Marion VALIERE-LOUDIY – Agence Zebrelle

For 20 years, the Au Fil du Son festival in Civray, a major musical event in the department, has been a feast for the eyes and…

Let's go !

Celebrate your child's birthday in Poitiers and its surroundings for an unforgettable day! The big day is coming soon!

Let's go !
Sanxay Lyric Evening ©Thomas Jelinek – Agence-Zebrelle
Accessible to disabled persons

Every year for more than 20 years, Sanxay, a peaceful village of 500 souls located southwest of Poitiers, has become a…

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Valentine's Day is approaching and you are looking for the ideal place to share this celebration of love with your other half! …

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Château-Larcher Medieval Fair ©Bastien SAUVE – Agence Zebrelle

The small village of Château-Larcher, labeled “Small Towns of Character”, takes a leap into the past with its tradition…

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An ice cream at Guinguette Pictave ©Agence Zebrelle – Bastien SAUVE

Heading for the West of France, in New Aquitaine: Poitiers is full of superb places to discover! Among the addresses…

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The 3 photos of the month

Family mosaic workshop ©Amélie R. Photographies, Pomme Verte
Expériences Famille
I try the experiment
Stay at Futuroscope, Poitiers ©Pomme verte-LibelLab
I book my Stay
Here is a selection of videos to inspire you

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Go on a family adventure to the Valley of the Apes
Try the experience after dark at the Abbey of Saint-Savin
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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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Approach! We can advise you the most beautiful experiences of Vienne...

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