Saint-Pierre Cathedral is by far the most imposing building in Poitiers in terms of its size. Its construction was started towards the end of the XNUMXth century at the instigation of Eleanor of Aquitaine. It is in the Angevin Gothic style, with the exception of the facade, which with its rose window and three carved portals, follows the influence of the Gothic of Ile de France.
A collection of 18 windows from the first half of the 18th century illuminates the church. Note the very beautiful stained glass window, in the center of the apse, from the XNUMXth century. The choir stalls, from the middle of the XNUMXth century, are among the oldest in France. The XNUMXth century organ is the work of F. Clicquot.
In the process of being cleared and restored: a spectacular decor dating from the years 1260-1300, monumental (nearly 900m2) and exceptional.
Further information
Place de la Cathédrale